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Drinking Card Game : Whipped - The Style Salad
Drinking Card Game : Whipped - The Style Salad
Drinking Card Game : Whipped - The Style Salad
Drinking Card Game : Whipped - The Style Salad

Drinking Card Game : Whipped

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Whipped is a fun, no-brainer game. Get some drinks and get ready to
discover everyone’s nasty secrets and watch them reveal their naughty side. 
The deck is made up of action cards and accusation cards. Players take turns
drawing cards and accusing each other. The game gets more and more
intense and shocking with each card that is drawn.
This game is a super fun way to find out things about your friends you’ve
always wanted to know!
So, if you are into card games or drinking or simply being mean, this game is
for you. You’ll have a crazy time playing it and maybe risk losing a friend or

Try to get as few cards as possible because the person with the most
Accusation cards wins the title of being the meanest, nastiest, sluttiest, lamest
person in the group.

• Keep the Accusation and Action cards in two separate piles.
• Each player draws a card from the Accusation pile, and everyone accuses
the person who they think the card applies to.
• Whenever a player gets 2 Accusation cards, he/she gets to pick a card from
the Action pile and give the Truth/Dare/Whipped to any other player.
• The first player to get 15 cards loses and is “Whipped”.

To make sure the game is exciting every time, there are multiple ways you
can play the game. You can make you own rules as well!

•  Keep the Accusation and Action cards in two separate piles. (Action cards
are ones with Truth/Dare/Whipped written on them.)
• One by one, each player draws a card from the Accusation pile, reads it out
and everyone accuses the person who they think the card applies to.
• The person with the majority of votes gets the card. Votes can be based on
something you know someone has done or is most likely to do.
• After every 3 Accusation cards, the next player has to pick a card from the
Action pile instead of an Accusation card.
• If the player completes their action, they can pass an Accusation card that
they were given during the game to another player that they think it applies to.
• The first player to get 15 cards loses and is “Whipped”.

• Keep the Accusation and Action cards in two separate piles.
• Deal 5 cards from the Accusation cards pile to each player.
• Each player picks 1 card from the 5 cards in their hand that they think
applies to them and reads it out.
• Whoever has the worst card (the group decides) has to pick a card from the
Action card pile and give it to any player of their choice, who now has to do as
the card says.
• Discard the 1 card each player picked (read out cards).
• Put the remaining 4 cards from each player back into the Accusation pile.
• Shuffle and re-deal 5 Accusation cards again to each player and repeat the
• Whoever’s card gets chosen as the worst card 5 times, loses and is

• Shuffle all the Accusation and Action cards (don’t separate them).
• Each player draws a card, reads it out and everyone accuses the person
who they think the card applies to. The person with the majority of votes gets
the card.
• If someone picks an Action, they themselves have to do it.

• If you have played the game a few times and are familiar with the cards, this
is a fun way of playing the game.
• Shuffle all the Accusation and Action cards (don’t separate them).
• Each player picks a card and has to act out whats written on the card. (It
does not have to be the whole sentence, just in a way the main words can be
• All the other players guess the card and then they can give it to whoever
they think it applies to (majority wins).
• If someone picks an Action, they have to do it.

• Before the game starts, players can place bets amongst each other.
• Let’s say a bet is placed between Player A & Player B
• Some bets can be –
Player A will get 5 accusation cards before Player B. or vice versa
Player A will refuse to do a truth/dare.
• Assuming Player A wins.
• Some rewards can be –
Player A can pass on any truth/dare that they don’t want to do to Player B.
Player B has to pay money to Player A
Player B has to have a drink/shot

300 cards


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