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Affirmation Journal - The Style Salad
Affirmation Journal - The Style Salad
Affirmation Journal - The Style Salad
Affirmation Journal - The Style Salad

Affirmation Journal

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Concept – Affirmations are short positive statements that are repeated to oneself (verbally or by writing down), to instill or reinforce an intention or belief; that one wants to manifest into reality.

Affirmations work by breaking the existing negative (and often limiting) thought patterns that our mind follows, and over time, making way to newer and more positive thought-patterns.

Description – Our mind continuously generates thoughts & feelings, therefore it should be a pleasant place to be. When we understand we can take charge of our thoughts through positive affirmations, why not use it for our own advantage?

This affirmation journal, made out of hand-made paper is designed to help you make your own affirmation/s and acts as a reminder to practice affirmations on a regular basis.

It is a space that your mind attunes itself, to practise affirmations every time you’re in the vicinity of the journal


Your Not Just Buying the Journal…
With the journal, you also get free access to 06 videos by Pooja Saran, in the course of 03 months that takes you through the process of practising your affirmations correctly, and the scientific backing behind the power of Affirmations!
(Bi-monthly videos as handhold support for your journey with affirmations)

Pooja Saran is a Core Behavioral Investigator, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Master Handwriting Analyst, Body Language Trainer, NLP Practitioner, REIKI Master * an Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness Coach.

Her work has been covered by the UK Mental Health Radio & published in national magazines like Femina, YMCA Magazines, Brilliant Reads & other international news additions!

How to use (SCAN QR CODE– This journal offers you a space to practice & even to make your own favorite affirmation/s. Write down your favorite affirmation on the top of a page and keep repeating it till you feel like. (minimum 21 days)
Keep the following in mind while you’re on your way to positivity:

Ensure your affirmations are in the present tense & do not include negative connotations like “not”, “never”, “don’t”, “can’t”.
Practise the affirmations like you’re living it.
Have complete faith in your affirmations. Even a drop of doubt can dilute the effectiveness of it.
Be consistent for a minimum of 21 days for them to become a part of your routine.

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