Accomplish all your goals one day at a time with this Spiral Notebook. Keep these compact books in your handbag, backpack, on your desk, or wherever you need to capture inspiration as it strikes. Perfect for journaling, note-taking, dream-chasing, goal-setting, and more, this functional yet fabulous notebook will soon become a staple in your everyday life.
Gifts these for your dear ones, colleagues, friends & fellow students.
Sold Individually.
Please note:
1. All orders must be prepaid only,
2. Same Day Delivery not available on Personalized orders.
3. Once the order is placed it cannot be returned since it is custom made with your details.
4. This product will take 25 working days to be manufactured from the date of order & design confirmation + shipping timeline.
5. Personalized Orders once placed cannot be cancelled.
Additional Information: Size: A5, 120 GSM quality paper
Personalization Details:
1. Your name/text will be personalized in gold at the bottom as seen in the image for your reference.
2. Please mention the Initials as required.
2. The character limit for each product is 10-12 characters only.
3. Only text is allowed, No emojis or icons.