B.E.A.C.H = Best Escape Anyone Can Have

Summers have always been the time for ice creams, popsicles, holidays and let’s not forget beach picnics! This season, your beach picnic will wear sunglasses because we at The Style Salad believe in doing everything with a splash of vogue. The fun thing about summers and beaches is that they can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. You can either have a fun-day picnic at the beach, splashing around in the sea, making sand castles and playing volleyball, or you could sit in one of the shacks with a few of your friends, chug down a few beers and...
Take a Mental Vacation!

Sometimes in order to move forward, one needs to pause and take a moment for themselves. This holds true especially in the time we are living in. We are all cooped up in our house. There is chaos everywhere. Reading news seems like being swallowed by a bog of sorrows. And work just doesn’t seem to stop. When you feel overwhelmed with everything that’s going on, that’s a hint that your mind is giving you, to go on a ‘mental vacation’. To just take a break from everything. To just sit back and be worry-free and happy. If you are...
Your Guide To Getting Vaccinated

Times are tough right now. With everything that is going on in our country, the despair in everyone’s minds and hearts is palpable. You think that you are too small a part of this system to actually be able to help mend it. Can you do something? You wonder. The answer is yes! Yes, you can do something. Get vaccinated! You can be a responsible citizen and get yourself vaccinated in any centre near you as soon as you get the chance. The vaccination drive has started for all adults in the age bracket of 18-44 years from the 1st...
Mother's Day Gifting Guide

Like all things, the way we all have celebrated Mother’s Day too has evolved over the years. From drawing stick figures with crayons on a page and writing ‘The best mom ever’ to making pretty hand-made cards, and finally today, where, amongst the meetings and constant video conferences, we barely have the time to call our mothers and wish them. Yes, not all changes are propitious. But this Mother’s Day doesn’t have to be the same.We at the Style Salad know the importance of a mother-child relationship and want to help you celebrate it in every possible way, of course,...
Sustainable + Eco Friendly Gifting Guide!

With so much changing around in the world so simultaneously, we often forget to stop and appreciate what we already have. Amongst this chaos, often a lot of us find peace in what Mother Earth has to provide us; a mellow breeze, a shadow of a tree, a happy blue sky, rain after a hot day, petrichor after that rain and so many more little things. And to thank the earth for all it provides us, Earth Day is celebrated all around the world on the 22nd of April. On this day, a billion people every year, come together, to...